Army Chesapeake Bay Strategy

Sustain the Mission, Preserve the Bay and Secure our Future

The Chesapeake Bay estuary, one of this Nation’s largest and one of the most productive estuaries host immense biodiversity that has supported human populations for thousands of years. As the largest Department of Defense landholder in the Chesapeake Bay watershed, the Army is one of many stewards of this nationally significant asset. As part of the Army’s commitment to protect and conserve the Bay, we are pleased to present an update of the Army Chesapeake Bay Strategy.

This Strategy lays out the blueprint for the Army’s contribution toward a more sustainable future for the Bay. The many challenges in restoring the Bay can only be successfully met through collaborative efforts and partnerships. While much remains to be done to improve the overall health of the Bay, for our part the Army has made considerable progress to restore and sustain healthy habitats and improve water quality in the Bay. Whether it was implementation of best management practices for storm water runoff at Fort Gregg-Adams or the conservation of thousands of acres of lands at Aberdeen Proving Ground, the Army has undertaken concrete actions over the last decade to build resilient, sustainable installations and communities. Along the way, we have strengthened relationships with our fellow stewards and fostered new community partnerships that we enrich our collaboration in the years to come. Since publication of the original strategy in 2009, climate change and installation resiliency have become top priorities for the Army, which means we will be even more focused on improving the Bay’s water quality, protecting biodiversity, promoting sustainable development of watershed communities, and building regional capacity to adapt to the potential effects of climate change.

This strategy represents our continued dedication to the Chesapeake Bay community that we are a part of and to the Nation. Today, more than ever the Army is committed to the protection of this national treasure—the Chesapeake Bay.  

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