Utilitarian Buildings in the DoD
This report contains a historic context for utilitarian buildings and structures conducted during the twentieth century, an investigation into the DoD Real Property Database, the results of typology examinations in the field, and an account of the evolution of metal construction. This report will provide DoD cultural resource managers (CRMs) with a basis for identifying and evaluating potentially historic utilitarian buildings and structures that have reached 50 years of age and may be eligible for the NRHP. It may also provide the foundation for the creation of a program alternative to the Section 106 process for undertakings that impact these buildings and structures.
Segregation in the Military
This report provides an overview of segregation in the military, and a listing of known installations to which racially and ethnically identified personnel were assigned. A broad historical overview from the Civil War to President Truman’s desegregation memo in 1948 is provided to present the historical background of military units and their segregation. Also provided are descriptions of the segregated built environment related to those areas discussed in the historical overview, a sampling of what remains from these locations today, and then recommendations for Cultural Resources Managers on how to reassess their installations for potential elements exemplifying segregation that currently remain. By providing a broad foundation of the U.S. military’s segregation policies and activities, this report can be utilized to develop more detailed research that will lead to identification and evaluation of segregated facilities at Department of Defense military installations in the United States.
Naval Stores Industry in Coastal SC, GA, and FL
This historic context for the naval stores industry on the coastal plains of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida provides guidance for identifying the archaeological signature of naval stores sites and a means of assessment that can be used in making recommendations under Sections 106 and 110 of the NHPA for eligibility for the NRHP. The document also suggests program alternatives or standard treatments for these resources in order to streamline compliance with the NHPA. Brian K. Greer, S. Dwight Kirkland, and Martin Healy.
Determining Eligibility of Historic Farmstead Archaeological Sites
This report includes development of a methodology for efficiently identifying the best examples of historic farmstead sites, and also those sites that are least likely to be deemed eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places. It details testing the applicability of the methodology to regions across the country. Regional historic contexts were created to assist in the determination of “typical” farmsteads.
This analysis of late 19th to early 20th-century farmsteads, which share many similarities in terms of types of artifacts, layout, historic use, and relationships to the topography, is intended to promote more efficient decisions regarding “potentially eligible” archaeological sites by making fewer individual site evaluations necessary, leading to more cost-effective management and increased troop readiness through wider access to training lands. Susan I. Enscore, Carey L. Booker, George W. Calfas, and Megan W. Tooker.
Evaluating Mid-Century Modern Military
This document is a guide for evaluating and/or managing military buildings constructed from 1950-1975. The report includes National Register eligibility guidance for evaluating military buildings associated with architectural Modernism (Criterion C only) and guidance on physical features and materials that are important in the various Modernist architectural movements. Roy Hampton, Maria Burkett, and Christine Trebellas.
Military Training Lands Contexts
This historic context of military training lands focuses on the landscape outside the developed core of military installations, covering large scale operation areas across all military Services nationwide from pre-Civil War to 1989. The study identifies changes in history and use over time, notes important chronological periods, establishes geographical context, and identifies historical themes. Dan Archibald, Adam Smith, Sunny Adams, and Manroop Chawla.
This historic context of miscellaneous military training sites focuses on the landscape outside the developed core of military installations, covering large scale operation areas across all military Services nationwide from pre-Civil War to 1989. The study identifies changes in history and use over time, notes important chronological periods, establishes geographical context, and identifies historical themes. Adam Smith, Manroop K. Chawla, Sunny Adams, and Daniel D. Archibald.
This historic context of military small arms training ranges focuses on the landscape outside the developed core of military installations, covering large scale operation areas across all military Services nationwide from pre-Civil War to 1989. The study identifies changes in history and use over time, notes important chronological periods, establishes geographical context, and identifies historical themes. Dan Archibald, Adam Smith, Sunny Adams, and Manroop Chawla.
This historic context of military training villages, mock sites, and large-scale operations areas focuses on the landscape outside the developed core of military installations, covering large scale operation areas across all military Services nationwide from pre-Civil War to 1989. The study identifies changes in history and use over time, notes important chronological periods, establishes geographical context, and identifies historical themes. Dan Archibald, Adam Smith, Sunny Adams, and Manroop Chawla.
Industrial Sites in the Sand Hills of GA, SC, and NC
This historic context identifies the rural industry property types associated with the Sand Hills region; reviews the features associated with each; considers each property type or class as identified at various DoD installations and reviews the significant studies of each; and reviews their physiographic distribution. The document provides recommendations for the future management, interpretation, and NRHP evaluation of rural industry properties. Renee Lewis and Joe Joseph.
Military Support Facilities 1917-1946
This report develops a classification system for support and utility structures; partially inventories 35,077 structures; provides a methodology for evaluating NRHP significance; and makes recommendations for treatment. It covers the Military Services from 1917 to 1946 in a nationwide context. R. Christopher Goodwin and Associates.
National DoD Historic Properties Context, 1790-1940
This document provides a methodological and historical framework for the assessment of the relative significance of Department of Defense historic properties within the context of nationwide military construction. This volume contains Part I (a chronological overview) and Part II (theme studies). R. Christopher Goodwin; Deborah K. Cannan; Leo Hirrel; Katherine E. Gradine; Kathryn M. Kuranda; Bethany M. Usher; Hugh B McAloon; Martha R. Williams.
This volume contains Part III (property types).
This volume contains Part IV (installation site reports).
This volume contains Part V (NRHP nomination forms for Fort McPherson, Fort Monmouth, Langley AFB, and Naval Complex Pensacola).
Mokapu: A Paradise on the Peninsula – Pamphlet, 2014
This booklet recounts the stories of this community, of the people who worked, lived, and played at Mokapu Peninsula before it was transformed into the military landscape of today. M.J. Tomonari-Tuggle and Tom Arakaki.