DoD developed this page to help installation natural resources managers and others protect natural resources on our nation’s military lands. To address the growing ecological and economic damage caused by invasive species, Executive Order 13751 directs federal agencies to:
“…prevent the introduction of invasive species and provide for their control, and to minimize the economic, plant, animal, ecological, and human health impacts that invasive species cause…”
E.O. 13751 defines an ‘invasive species’ as a “non-native organism whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm, or harm to human, animal, or plant health.”
To see deliverables resulting from fully executed Legacy projects, visit the Legacy Project Deliverables page:
Policy and Guidance
DoD Instruction 4150.07, DoD Pest Management Program
Executive Order 13751, Safeguarding the Nation from the Impacts of Invasive Species (2016)
Executive Order 13112, Invasive Species (1999)
Invasive species can take over training lands, injure soldiers, damage equipment, overwhelm listed and at-risk species, and significantly erode natural resources and training budgets. The Commander’s Guide on Invasive Species highlights key issues, relevant policies, mission impacts, and key actions that commanders and other installation personnel can take.
Fact Sheets