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Natural Resources

DoD Natural Resources Program Photo Library

To request access to the new photo library, email Paul Block at and/or Chris Petersen at If you work outside of the DoD Components or Military Services, explain why you need to use the websiteโ€™s photos. After requesting access, you will be sent an invitation email that will have a link for you to set up a free account to view the photo library.

DoD Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Photo Gallery
This link takes you to the DoDPARC photo gallery with fantastic images of amphibians and reptile species. The site also has extensive web links, events calendar and library of reports/publications/brochures/ of herp related work on DoD lands. Please visit the Library page for details on what is needed in a photo submission, ethics, policy and permissions.

DoD Partners in Flight Photo Gallery
This link takes you to the DoDPIF photo gallery with hundreds of beautiful images of bird species. Images may be used for personal or educational purposes only. Commercial uses are prohibited. We only ask that you credit the photographer appropriately.