Welcome to the DoD Chesapeake Bay Program (CBP)

The U.S. Department of Defense was one of the first federal departments to be formally involved in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed restoration effort. Our military installations in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, New York, West Virginia, and the District of Columbia play an important role in defending and preserving the Bay. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2023, DoD invested approximately $125 million (M) to restore the Chesapeake Bay. These efforts advance the goals and outcomes of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed Agreement and further the ability for DoD to test, train, and operate in the watershed.
DoD in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
DoD installations encompass 400,000 acres across the region, making up approximately one percent of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and 20 percent of the total Federal footprint.
Chesapeake Bay Facts
– Largest estuary in U.S. – 64,000 sq mi with an average depth of 21 ft
– Over 2,000 species of plants and animals
DoD manages 136 installations/facilities covering 440,737 acres
– 1% of watershed
– 20% of federal footprint

Our Vision
To protect the Chesapeake Bay for military readiness, for our community, and for future generations.

DoD CBP Mission
Integrate restoration, pollution prevention, and stewardship initiatives for the Chesapeake Bay into DoDโs daily mission of providing the military forces needed to deter war and protect the security of the United States.
Engage all levels of DoD military, civilians, and their families to be environmental stewards of the watershed where they live.
Partner with federal, state, and local governments, and organizations and citizen groups to maximize resources and strengthen Bay restoration and protection efforts.