DoD PIF National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Working Group exists to provide installations guidance on addressing impacts of proposed installation missions on migratory birds and their habitats in NEPA analyses. Activities requiring such assessment range from military testing and training (readiness) to new construction, land management, and facilities maintenance (non-readiness).

Working Group Goal

Provide recommendations to ensure that the incorporation of migratory birds in NEPA documents is comprehensive and logical, consistent across the Services, legally defensible, technically sufficient, and understandable.

Working Group Objective

To provide information and tools that provide installations with sufficient information to identify anticipated effects of actions on, and least impacting approaches to, migratory birds consistent with the needs of the proposed action.

Working Group Priority

Develop and distribute information about how natural resources managers can properly address migratory birds within NEPA environmental reviews and other planning documents.

For questions, please contact the Working Group Chair Greg Fleming.