2007 Irvine (to Radtke) Bob Radtke’s Contributions.pdf 2007 Hogrefe et al. KW Survey Methods Memo.pdf 2007 Goebel (to Casselman). Please find enclosed….pdf 2007 Deloria-Sheffield. Action Items from KW field tour.pdf 2005 Thorson (to Ennis). Thank you for your Jan. 12, 2002 letter regarding the recovery….pdf 2005 Sjogren (to Piehler). KW Reforestation Costs.pdf 2005 Marzolo. Inventory on USFWS Lands.pdf 2005 Ennis (to Thorson) In 2005, 1,418 singing male KWs were reported.pdf 2005 Deloria-Sheffield (to DeCapita). Summary re Marquette Co..pdf 2004 Czarnecki (to Christiansen). Interim Recommendations for the Raco Plains….pdf 2003 DeCapita (to Winegrad). KW status and migration.pdf 2002 Ennis (to Hartwig). The Kirtland’s warbler population has increased steadily.pdf 1999 Ennis (to Aird). Historical KWRT list.pdf 1998 Weinrich (to Humphries). Bahamas Conection – KW.pdf 1998 Sjorgren (to KWRT). KW Monitoring in the UP.pdf 1998 Ewert (to Craig, others) Synopsis of Bahamas trip.pdf 1997 Smith (to Decapita). 1997 WI KW surveys.pdf 1997 Sjogren (to Howlett). KWRT Meeting.pdf 1997 Sjogren (to Allbios). HNF KW Results 97.pdf 1997 Ennis (to Hartwig). The KWRTwas advised….pdf 1996 various. Letters Re winter habitat, etc..pdf 1996 Wardle (BNT) (to USFWS). I have received a packet….pdf 1996 Various Letters.pdf 1996 Sjogren (to KWRT). KW Banding, Matedness in the UP.pdf 1996 Letters Re KW in U.P..pdf 1996 Franke (to Wooley). The 1996 KW Festival was held.pdf 1996 Franke (to Cool). The 1996 KW Festival was held….pdf 1996 Ennis (to Spinner). The KWRT.pdf 1995 various. Letters Re U.P. range expansion, etc..pdf 1995 Huber (to Friend of HNF) The Forest Service would like you to help….pdf 1994 various. Letters Re private lands management, census, etc..pdf 1994 Tansy (to Burgoyne). I have a few comments you should be aware of.pdf 1994 Ennis (to Bocetti). During several past KWRT meetings….pdf 1994 Aird (to Badder). The KWRT may be interested.pdf 1993 Walkinshaw-Shake (to DNR Wildlife Div.) Dear Friends, Lawrence H. Walkinshaw….pdf 1993 Mayfield (to Refsnider). I am sorry you will not be at the KW meeting….pdf 1993 Basl (to Stangel). I represent the Chamber of Commerce….pdf 1992 Jones (to cooperator). The 1992 search for singing male KWs….pdf 1992 Jones (to KW Survey Volunteers). This letter is being sent….pdf 1991 Woiwode (to Hickner). Thank you for allowing us to have input….pdf 1991 Refsnider (to KW Supporter) KW PVA.pdf 1991 Mayfield (to Barnes) and reply. This is just a note….pdf 1991 Boushelle (to Williams). Thank you for your earlier letter….pdf 1990 Tansy (to FWS Regional Dir.) KW Program.pdf 1990 Ennis and Boushelle. At the 1990 KWRT meeting….pdf 1990 Anon (to Hales). Over the past several months….pdf 1989 Mayfield (to Engle, Radtke) As you set about revitalizing the KWRT….pdf 1989 Marita (to Cheif USFS) Endangered Species – KW.pdf 1989 Kolar (to Rubin). This is regarding our letter….pdf 1989 Kolar (to Raad). This is in reponse to your June 27 1989 letter….pdf 1989 Kepler (to O’connor). Past and Future KW Research.pdf 1989 Gritman (to Mayfield). When Nels Johnson retired from MDNR….pdf 1988 Probst (to Timber-Wildlife Staff). Wildlife Management of Jack pine Forest Type.pdf 1988 Mayfield (to Brand). As a part of my long continued study of the KW….pdf 1988 Jones (to Mayfield). Thanks very much for the clipping….pdf 1987 Weinrich (to Huntington). After our inspection.pdf 1987 Harmes (to Follrath). As indicated in my attached memo….pdf 1987 Byelich (to Taylor, others). Instructions oto the KW Committee on Research.pdf 1987 Byelich (to Nelson). The KWRT, at their February 18-19 meeting.pdf 1987 Bails (to Follrath). This letter will confirm the continued interest of the DNR.pdf 1986 Skoog (to Nelson). Please excuse the delay.pdf 1986 Refsnider (to Acting Chief). Public Hearing on KWMA.pdf 1986 Jarvis (to District Ranger). New Cowbird Traps.pdf 1986 Harmes (to Eadie and others). KW Habitat Program.pdf 1986 Engel (to Chief) Effects of hunting on DoD lands with reg to end and threat sp.pdf 1986 Boushelle (to Schmidt). KW Land Acqisition Lists.pdf 1985 Various Letters Re Habitat and Research Issues.pdf 1985 Skoog (to Nelson). We are extremely pleased with the success.pdf 1985 Norton (to Forest Supervisor). KW Habitat–River Rd. Fire Area.pdf 1985 Koenings (to Director FWS) Land Acquisition Approval — Increase in KW Habitat.pdf 1985 Gritman (to FWS Director). Increased Acreage for KW.pdf 1985 Elden (to Boushelle). Mngmt for the KW.pdf 1985 Byelich, Mayfield. KW Letters.pdf 1985 Author Unknown (to Skoog). RE-Michigan KW (Land Acquisition).pdf 1984 Norton (to Forest Supervisor). River Rd. Fire Rehab.pdf 1984 Mayfield, Others. KW Letters.pdf 1984 Mayfield (to Byelich). This is perhaps a minor matter….pdf 1984 Gritman (to Skoog). The USFWS has acquired approx. 3020 acres.pdf 1983 Mayfield, Nisbet, Winter. Letters Re where to see KW.pdf 1983 Mayfield (to Cuthbert). Here is the xeroxof the article….pdf 1983 Johnson, Guenther. Transfer of Lands to MDMA.pdf 1983 Gritman (to Skoog). Michigan KW.pdf 1983 Carlson (to Elden). Jackpine Regeneration for KW.pdf 1983 Assist. Regional Director FWS (to Regional Dir.). Admin of KWMAs.pdf 1982 various (MDNR). ESA Violations by the Military.pdf 1982 Ryel (to Probst). Congratulations! Your observation of a KW near Gwinn….pdf 1982 LaBumbard (to Forest Supervisor). Mack Lake Fire Rehab Plan.pdf 1982 Gritman, Parsons. Letters Re FWS land acquisition.pdf 1982 Frid, Jarvis. Hunter’s Lake Timber Sale.pdf 1981 Various Letters Re Habitat Mngmt.pdf 1981 Mann, LaBumbard. Threatened, Endangered and Sensitive….pdf 1981 LaBumbard (to Simard). Location of Fuel Breaks (Mack Lake Fire).pdf 1981 Byelich (to Mayfield, Nelson). Letters Re Research Committee and KW habitat.pdf 1981 Byelich (to DeCapita). At our last Recovery Team meeting it was decided….pdf 1980 various (USFWS). Letters Re land acquisition.pdf 1980 Weinrich (to Johnson). Determination of KW Activity and Hab Pref After Nesting.pdf 1980 Radtke (to Byelich). The team should recommend the KW.pdf 1980 Probst (to Irvine) KW Habitat Management.pdf 1980 Mayfield (to Wall Street Journal) It would be fruitless….pdf 1980 Mayfield (to Storrs). Your letter reacked me on the eve….pdf